Why learning C Programming is must ? #1 language to learn in Programming

 Well, You are a beginner and a new personality in the Programming world and very much confuse in which Programming Language you should learn first, Then welcome you're at the right place here I am going to give you the best reasons Why learning C Programming is must ?

C Programming

WHY c?

1.C is a core language  - C is considered the grandfather of most modern programming languages, and if you have a strong foundation in C, you can apply the concepts in C to those higher level languages.

2.Block structured, procedural, imperative, cross platform

3.C forces you to build a mental model of what the computer is actually doing when you run your programs

4.Quite simple to get started.

5.C is a small language : It has less data type, only 32 keywords (20 common use, like case , break, double, int etc)

6.C is quick : program runs quickly, very close to the hardware. Can avail low level facilities without affecting run time.

7.C is portable : program written on one system can run with little or no modification on other system. If modifications needed, a few changes in header file is required.

you want to see how fast the C language Coding works here is my 1st Program. click here

Well, up to this we came to know Why learning C Programming is must, and we figure out its some advantages and features. Now the time has come to read what actually Programming Language is, here is some major points to convey your thoughts

Programming language

*A set of instructions in a written in a language which is understandable to the computer.
  Performs specific tasks.

*Allows human to communicate with the computer.

*Development of programming language is governed by performance, new need in different fields,     emerging programming methodologies etc.

This is all from my side to answer your Question. In the Next post we will learn the Development of Programming Languages and Generation of Programming Language .
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See You in the Next post till then take care...Thank you💖

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